예전에 한글판 링크 올려드렸는데
혹시 다른 언어로 사용하실 분들도 계실까봐...

이상하게 이 페이지 검색하기가 힘들더군요.
이번에 찾아놓은거 그냥 통으로 여기에 복사해두렵니다.

마이크로소프트에서 제공하는 평가버전입니다.
180일이던가 ;;;

원문 페이지는
32비트 : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/r2/trial/installinstruct.mspx
64비트 : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/r2/trial/installinstructx64.mspx

Available Languages for Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition with SP2 (32-bit x86)

First ISO Image FileSecond ISO Image File


first English ISO image file
(file name: X13-05665.img)

second English ISO image file
(file name: X13-05463.img)


first German ISO image file
(file name: X13-18651.img)

second German ISO image file
(file name: X13-12133.img)

Portuguese Brazilian

first Portuguese Brazilian ISO image file
(file name: X13-27659.img)

second Portuguese Brazilian ISO image file
(file name: X13-27638.img)

Chinese Simplified

first Chinese Simplified ISO image file
(file name: X13-13892.img)

second Chinese Simplified ISO image file
(file name: X13-13895.img)

Chinese Traditional

first Chinese Traditional ISO image file
(file name: X13-13875.img)

second Chinese Traditional ISO image file
(file name: X13-13678.img)

Chinese Hong Kong

first Chinese Hong Kong ISO image file
(file name: X13-13874.img)

second Chinese Hong Kong ISO image file
(file name: X13-13679.img)


first Czech ISO image file
(file name: X13-41540.img)

second Czech ISO image file
(file name: X13-38995.img)


first Dutch ISO image file
(file name: X13-41543.img)

second Dutch ISO image file
(file name: X13-38996.img)


first French ISO image file
(file name: X13-18659.img)

second French ISO image file
(file name: X13-12148.img)


first Hungarian ISO image file
(file name: X13-41539.img)

second Hungarian ISO image file
(file name: X13-38994.img)


first Italian ISO image file
(file name: X13-34566.img)

second Italian ISO image file
(file name: X13-29180.img)


first Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41713.img)

second Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41712.img)

Korean (KN Edition)

first Korean ISO image file
(file name: X13-13873.img)

second Korean ISO image file
(file name: X13-13677.img)


first Polish ISO image file
(file name: X13-41537.img)

second Polish ISO image file
(file name: X13-38991.img)


first Portuguese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41536.img)

second Portuguese ISO image file
(file name: X13-38989.img)


first Russian ISO image file
(file name: X13-41541.img)

second Russian ISO image file
(file name: X13-38990.img)


first Spanish ISO image file
(file name: X13-18668.img)

second Spanish ISO image file
(file name: X13-12164.img)


first Swedish ISO image file
(file name: X13-41542.img)

second Swedish ISO image file
(file name: X13-38992.img)


first Turkish ISO image file
(file name: X13-41538.img)

second Turkish ISO image file
(file name: X13-38993.img)

Available Languages for Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition with SP2 (32-bit x86)

First ISO Image FileSecond ISO Image File


first English ISO image file
(file name: X13-04874.img)

second English ISO image file
(file name: X13-04795.img)


first Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41710.img)

second Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41709.img)

Available Languages for Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition x64 with SP2

First ISO Image FileSecond ISO Image File


first English ISO image file
(file name: X13-06218.img)

second English ISO image file
(file name: X13-06191.img)


first German ISO image file
(file name: X13-21924.img)

second German ISO image file
(file name: X13-18830.img)


first Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41719.img)

second Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41718.img)

Portuguese Brazilian

first Portuguese Brazilian ISO image file
(file name: X13-32647.img)

second Portuguese ISO image file
(file name: X13-30863.img)

Chinese Simplified

first Chinese Simplified ISO image file
(file name: X13-28776.img)

second Chinese Simplified ISO image file
(file name: X13-35321.img)

Chinese Traditional

first Chinese Traditional ISO image file
(file name: X13-28777.img)

second Chinese Traditional ISO image file
(file name: X13-28745.img)


first French ISO image file
(file name: X13-24004.img)

second French ISO image file
(file name: X13-18818.img)


first Italian ISO image file
(file name: X13-29859.img)

second Italian ISO image file
(file name: X13-29203.img)


first Korean ISO image file
(file name: X13-28778.img)

second Korean ISO image file
(file name: X13-28746.img)


first Russian ISO image file
(file name: X13-41123.img)

second Russian ISO image file
(file name: X13-40440.img)


first Spanish ISO image file
(file name: X13-18841.img)

second Spanish ISO image file
(file name: X13-18843.img)

Available Languages for Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition x64 with SP2

First ISO Image FileSecond ISO Image File


first English ISO image file
(file name: X13-05825.img)

second English ISO image file
(file name: X13-05774.img)


first Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41716.img)

Second Japanese ISO image file
(file name: X13-41715.img)